J6 Walktrough

                        J6 Walktrough

Table of Contents: 

  • Getting the J6 items. 
  • Saloon 
  • Hyperium 
  • Zephyrus 

  • =======================================================================
    Part 1 - Obtaining Items 
    To start this long quest you must obtain the weapon J6's Secret Hideout Map. from the Sketchy Dragon at the first J6 map(/join j6). From there proceed to Dwakel (/join dwakel) and head up one room and into the little shack. In there click on the red button on the top of the boiler. This button will drop the Dwakel Decoder. As long as you have this item in your bag you will be able to decode the map. To access the map simply equip the weapon and click on it. The decoder will show up in the top left corner of the map. When you find something on the map the decoder will change from red to green. 
    Part 2 - The Saloon 
    Now that you've enhanced your map and found the decoder, you can get to the Saloon by clicking on the map when it's equipped. This area is the first place you'll meet J6. You cannot get to this map using the /join or /goto command, as is the case with all the J6 secret maps after this point. 

    Using your magnifying glass cursor, go to the co-ordinates (342, 197), or close to them. The red circle in the corner of your screen should turn green, meaning that you are at the right spot. Click it, and you'll be at the saloon. 
    Part 3 - Hyperium 
    Now that you've completed the Quests in Saloon and J6's Quiz and obtained coordinates to hyperium open up your J6 Map and use the co ordinates 525 275 to get to Hyperium, J6's Ship. Please note that you should have the screen size normal and graphics on high to reach the coordinates. 
    If your having trouble take a look at this map made by Jonzee Boy

    The first challenge is the Defense Turrets which can kill you if you try to walk past them. In the side room you'll see two red buttons which can deactivate the turrets for a short period. You'll need a person to turn the switches and a person to run across. You can also invite anybody to a group and summon them to get to the other side. The /goto feature won't work. 

    For the weapon armory, you need to click the gauges in the right order. Use the times like a clock in the order 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 - and it will open. Here is a very useful Gauge Map. You can also watch this youtube video (Thanks to Ana!) to see how to open the armory. However, you are not yet done. If you wish to access the items in the shop, then you must complete two mission. To access the mission, leave the room and head over to the next door. This will be the elevator for the ship. Click on the bottom button and you will be transported to a room full of monitors. In this room is a big red button in the middle. Click on it to start the missions: 

    How to complete misson1: Head over to the Forest (/join forest) and kill a zardman grunt then return to 1st floor on hyperium 

    How to complete misson2: Head over to Boxes (/join boxes) and goto the room on the left and kill Sneeviltron then return to hyperium 1st floor 

    In the elevator, there are three buttons, the first will take you to the main floor, the second will take you to the quest/mission/VR room, and the third will take you to the command center. To get to the VR Room, you need an access ticket. Go find J6 in Hyperium and click on his pocket to get the VR Room Access Ticket. That will allow you to proceed to the VR Room. 
    Note: You will not be able to steal the VR Room Access Ticket if you don't have enough dexterity! If you don't have enough dexterity this will happen (click)If you have enough dexterity you will be able to take the card (click). 

    In the VR Room there is only one quest currently available which will take you to the next map, Zephyrus. 
    Part 4 - Zephyrus 
    1.) When you get to Zephyrus, Go down the ladder and into the train, The brown lizard guy sitting beside a Star Captain has a Quest Called "Two Eyes", yet the use of that quest is still unknown and not connected to having full access to Zephyrus. 
    *Twist NOTES: 
    -The Quest Item from the "Two Eyes" Quests drops from the Vulture men inside of the train. 
    2.) Well to continue head right, then you will see a Female Star Captain sitting beside an old man, which seems to be the guy who drives the train. Then Click the old man's pocket/belt (the brown belt at his waist). Then you will get the "Engine Room Key". 

    3.) Then head all the way right until you get to room #1. You'll see a steel door at the very end which needs your "Engine Room Key" to unlock. Well its a good thing you have it already so now you can access the Engine Room! 

    4.) In the Engine Room you can find an an NPC Wearing the Zeus Armor. To access his shop just simply click the white button at the middle of his chest. 

    5.) To Open the Lock at the Furnace just click it, Then you'll see 2 circles and a peg/steel rod at the right side of it. Simply drag it up to unlock the Furnace. Then Click the floating crystal inside and you will get a "Virtual Crystallized Dragon Breath". 

    6.) Then After getting the drop look at the right side of the Engine Room and you'll see a big steel pipe, when your cursor passes by it it will turn yellow. Ok so click it, Then turn the knob right until it opens and then you'll be up the roof of the train! 

    7.) Then just go all the way left until you see J6's ship. You need the :Virtual Crystallized Dragon Breath" to go to the next area. 

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